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The only country that borders the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea is Turkey. Its capital is Ankara.

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2mo ago

The capital of the country that borders both the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea is Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

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Q: What is the capital of the only country that borders black sea and Mediterraneans sea?
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What is the capital of the city that borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea?

Cities do not have capitals. There is also no city that borders both the Mediterreanean Sea and Black Sea.If the question meant to ask "What is the capital of the country that borders...", then the answer is the capital of Ankara in the country of Turkey.

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Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

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Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

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Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the capital of the only country that borders both meditaranien sea and the Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the capital of not only country that one or both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Se is the capital of not only country that borders both the Mediterranean sea and the black sea a?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the country and its capital of that country that borders both the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea?

Turkey is the country. Ankara is Turkey's capital.

What is the capital of the countrie that borders the mediterranean and Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the name of the capital of the only country that borders both the Mediterranean sea and the Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the name of the only capital that borders the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the capital of the only contry that borders both the mediyerranean sea and the Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.

What is the capital of the only countire that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea?

Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey, the only country that borders both the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.