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The capital of Gallia is Lutetia.

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Q: What is the capital of Gallia?
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What was the capital roman gaul?

There was not a capital of Gallia (Roman Gaul).From its conquest in 50 BC to 314 AD Gallia was divided into three Roman provinces. Each had its own capital. The capital of Gallia Narbonensis (the south of France) was Narbo(Narbonne). To start with, the capital of Gallia Aquitania (the southwest of France up to the river Loire) was Mediolanum Santonum (Saintes). Later it was moved to Burdigala (Bordeaux). The capital of Gallia Lugdunensis (central France) was Lugdunum (Lyon). The capital of Gallia Belgica (Belgium, Northern France up to close to the river Seine, north-eastern France and the French speaking part of Switzerland) was Augusta Trevorum(Triers).In 314 the emperor Diocletian subdivided Gallia into 13 new and smaller provinces. He also grouped them into two Dioceses. These were new administrative units which oversaw a group of the new provinces. The two dioceses were the Diocese of Galliae (northern and eastern France and French speaking Switzerland) whose capital was Augusta Trevorum, and the Diocese of Viennensis (southern France) whose capital was Vienna (Vienne). Later the Diocese of Viennensis was renamed Septem Provinciae (Seven Provinces).Diocletian also included the provinces of Germania I (formerly Germania Superior) and Germania II (formerly Germania Inferior) into the Diocese of Galliae. Note that Galliae is the plural of Gallia and therefore the Diocese of Gallie meant the Diocese of the Gauls.

What is gallia called now?

Gallia has now been called France So the answer is Gallia is france.

How many provinces did the Romans create in Gaul?

Four: Gallia Narbonensis, Gallia Aquitania, Gallia Lugdunensis, and Gallia Belgica

When was Gallia Narbonensis created?

Gallia Narbonensis was created in 121.

When did Bert Gallia die?

Bert Gallia died on 1976-03-19.

When was Bert Gallia born?

Bert Gallia was born on 1891-10-14.

When was Gallia Club Paris created?

Gallia Club Paris was created in 1896.

Who conquered Gaul?

Julius Caesar conquered the biggest part of Gaul in his Gallic Wars which lasted from 58 BC to 50 BC. Prior to this the Romans had already annexed the south of France, which they called Gallia Narnonensis, after its provincial capital, Narbonne. Gaul also included Belgium and Luxembourg. Caesar's conquests were then divided into three Roman provinces: Gallia Aqutania (in the south-west), Gallia Lugdunensis (in central France and part of northern France) and Gallia Belgica (Belgium and part of northern France).

What was France before it was France?

The Romans called it Gallia - Gaul; to be precise, Gallia Transalpina, Gaul beyond the Alps.


Gaul [France]

What is the modern name for gallia?

Gallia is the Latin word of Gaul. It was a district of Western Europe during the Roman and Iron Age era.

When and where was baseball player Bert Gallia born?

Bert Gallia was born October 14, 1891, in Beeville, TX, USA.