The area of General Toshevo Municipality is 982.24 square kilometers.
The area of Beja Municipality in Portugal is approximately 1,147 square kilometers.
The area of Varna Municipality in Bulgaria is approximately 238 square kilometers.
The area of Cocorote Municipality in Venezuela is approximately 259 square kilometers.
The area of Vagos Municipality in Portugal is approximately 164 square kilometers.
The area of UMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality is approximately 3,669 square kilometers.
General Toshevo Municipality's population is 16,714.
The population of General Toshevo is 7,130.
FC Sportist General Toshevo was created in 1945.
The area of General Cepeda Municipality is 3,517 square kilometers.
The area of General Simón Bolívar Municipality is 3,470 square kilometers.
The population of General Cepeda Municipality is 11,284.
The area of Roja municipality is 309.5 square kilometers.
General Simón Bolívar Municipality's population is 9,569.
The area of Alvarado - municipality - is 840.63 square kilometers.
The area of Nazas Municipality is 2,412.8 square kilometers.
The area of Tryavna Municipality is 255 square kilometers.
The area of Rankovce Municipality is 240.71 square kilometers.