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The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of approximately 7,641 islands at low tide and 7,107 islands at high tide.

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Q: What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines?
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Approximate number of islands of Philippines?

The Philippines is comprised of approximately 7,641 islands.

How many islands are inhabited in the Philippines?

There are around 2,000 inhabited islands in the Philippines out of the total 7,641 islands. The majority of the population resides in the main islands, with the largest being Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

How many ilands in Philippines?

The Philippines is made up of 7,641 islands. However, the exact number may vary depending on tidal patterns and how islands are defined.

What is the total number of people in the Philippines?

The Republic of the Philippines' population has now reached up to 90 million. Note: This is an approximate value.

Does Philippine has the most islands in the world?

Yes, the Philippines has around 7,641 islands, making it one of the countries with the highest number of islands in the world.

Which large country has lots of islands to the north?

Canada is the large country that has a significant number of islands to the north, particularly in the Arctic region. These islands comprise the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, which is one of the largest groups of islands in the world.

Why does the Philippines have many islands?

The Philippines has many islands due to its location along tectonic plate boundaries, leading to volcanic activity and the formation of numerous islands. The country's irregular coastline and mountainous terrain also contribute to the vast number of islands.

How many island in luzon Philippines?

101Philippines has 1,107 islands.

Why is the Philippines considered as an archipelago?

because archipelago is a island group or island chain , is a chain cluster a collection of island so that the philippines are considered an archipelago because the number of a islands philippines.

How many islands are there in the Philippines?

The Philippines is an archipelago composed of approximately 7,107 islands and islets at low tide and 7100 at high tide. Of this number, about 4000 are inhabited and more than 2,773 have been given names. They are clustered into the island groups of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

Bank of Philippine islands office in California?

Location & telephone number of Bank of the Philippines in San Diego, California

Name of two volcanic islands out side of the Caribbean?

Two examples of volcanic countries outside of the Caribbean are Iceland and the Philippines.