The absolute location of Fargo, North Dakota is approximately 46.8772° N latitude and 96.7898° W longitude.
The distance between Fargo, North Dakota and Aberdeen, South Dakota is approximately 200 miles by road. The driving time is usually around 3.5-4 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota in terms of population, with a population of around 124,662 as of 2020. It is a major cultural, educational, and economic center for the state.
The largest city in the North Plains is Fargo, North Dakota. With a population of over 125,000 residents, Fargo is a major cultural, educational, and economic hub in the region.
The absolute location of Corpus Christi, Texas is approximately 27.8006 degrees North latitude and 97.3964 degrees West longitude.
The absolute location of Iraq is approximately between 29 to 37 North latitude and 39 to 48 East longitude, in the Middle East region of Asia.
Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota.
Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota.
North Dakota (Fargo, North Dakota) .
Fordville, North Dakota is 126 miles from Fargo, North Dakota. Travel time is about 2 hours.
North Dakota
Fargo is located in the US state of North Dakota.
Fargo, North Dakota
Yes, they grow honey in Fargo, North Dakota. More specifically, honey is grown in the Fargo, North Dakota area, especially in the Red River Valley. North Dakota is the nation's leader of honey production.
No, it's in North Dakota.
Supra Shoes can be found at "This Skate and Snow" in Fargo, North Dakota.
Fargo is a city within the state of North Dakota whose state capital is Bismarck.
Moorhead, Minnesota is accross the Red River of the North from Fargo, North Dakota.