The driving distance from Stuart, FL to Fort Lauderdale, FL is approximately 90 miles via the I-95 South route. This typically takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Atlanta, GA to Ft. Lauderdale, FL is approximately 650 miles, which would take around 10-11 hours to drive without traffic.
Fort Lauderdale, FL is approximately 35 miles away from Homestead, FL. This distance can vary depending on the specific locations within each city that you are traveling between.
The distance from Key West, FL to Stuart, FL is approximately 190 miles if traveling by car.
The distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Jensen Beach, FL is approximately 90 miles if driving by car. It can take around 1.5 to 2 hours to travel between the two locations, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Jacksonville, FL is approximately 340 miles. This route typically takes about 5.5 to 6 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Naples, FL is 107 miles.
what is the driving distance from Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Tampa, FL?
The driving distance is 108 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 213 miles.
The driving distance between Fort Lauderdale, FL and Tampa, FL is approximately 265 miles.
The driving distance from Mobile, AL, USA to Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA is 698mi / 1123.32km
108 miles
It is 263.44 miles according to MapQuest.
The shortest driving distance is 1,384 miles.
The driving distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA to Palm Bay, FL, USA is 152.92mi / 246.11km
1,000 miles.
About 2,700 miles.