The distance from Kincardine, Ontario, to Goderich, Ontario, is approximately 58 kilometers (36 miles) when traveling by road.
The distance from Chicago, Illinois, to Kincardine, Ontario, Canada, is approximately 500 miles (800 kilometers) by road. The exact distance can vary depending on the specific route taken.
As of the last available data, Kincardine O'Neil in Scotland has a population of around 700 residents.
It is estimated that around 12,000 people live in Kincardine as of 2021.
The road mile distance between Petrolia in Ontario and Windsor in Ontario is approximately 141 miles via ON-40 and ON-401.
The driving distance from Toronto, Ontario to Espanola, Ontario is approximately 425 kilometers (264 miles) via ON-400 N and ON-69 N. The distance may vary based on the specific route taken and current road conditions.
About 560km and a 7 hour drive.
MapQuest says 61.06 miles
It's about 200km and a 3 hour drive.
The distance is about 70km and it's a 1 hour drive.
It is just over 100km, so about a good 1.5- 2 hours
341 road KM according to our Friends at Google Maps
The total distance is 156 miles. The journey would take about 3 hours and 10 minutes.
Yes Kincardine has tons of gas stations.
I do believe there are aproximentaly 8,000 people in Goderich.
The Goderich, Ontario tornado of 2011 killed 1 person.
The distance from Chicago, Illinois, to Kincardine, Ontario, Canada, is approximately 500 miles (800 kilometers) by road. The exact distance can vary depending on the specific route taken.
If you're talking about the Kincardine and Windsor in Ontario, then they are about 300 km apart, making for a 4 hour drive.