The driving distance between JFK airport in New York City and Canterbury, New Hampshire is approximately 250 miles, depending on the exact route taken. This journey typically takes around 4-5 hours by car, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
The distance between Kent and Shropshire is approximately 200 miles by road.
The distance between Texas and Los Angeles is approximately 1,200 miles if you are traveling by air. Driving distance is approximately 1,500 miles.
The approximate driving distance between Gutersloh and Frankfurt is around 330 kilometers. The exact distance can vary depending on the route taken.
The distance between New York and Missouri varies depending on the cities you are traveling between. For example, the distance between New York City and St. Louis, Missouri is approximately 875 miles.
The driving distance is approximately 28 road miles - about 40 minutes of driving time.
280 road miles from Maidstone UK to Luxembourg.
The flight distance from Leeds, United Kingdom to Maidstone, United Kingdom is: 196 miles / 316 km
63 km
The shortest distance is 71 miles.
61 miles
1/ 200000 = 13 cm/ x x= 2600000 cm x= 26 km between Canterbury and Dover
The driving distance is approximately 21.6 road miles.
293 nautical miles.
Roughly 16 miles
Maidstone has a river which is important for trade and I believe that the Archbishops Palace was used as a kind of hotel for people of the church to rest as they travelled from London to Canterbury and vice versa.
The driving time is approximately 3 hours and 8 minutes. The shortest distance is 195 miles.