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Farm land around large cities is often being converted into urban or suburban developments due to increasing population growth and demand for housing and commercial space. This conversion is leading to loss of agricultural land, changes in local ecosystems, and potential food security concerns as farm land diminishes. Efforts to preserve farmland, promote sustainable agriculture, and create green belts around cities are being pursued to help address these challenges.

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Q: What is happening to farm land around large cities today?
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Where in major cities did they settle?

They settled in areas known as Chinatowns, typically in urban centers. These Chinatowns served as cultural and commercial hubs for Chinese immigrants, providing a sense of community and support in a new country. Today, many major cities around the world have flourishing Chinatowns.

Which cities that were major settlements in 1800 have more than 100000 residents today?

Some cities that were major settlements in 1800 and have more than 100,000 residents today include London, Paris, New York City, and Tokyo. These cities have grown significantly in population over the past two centuries due to factors such as industrialization, urbanization, and globalization.

What was the name of the large supercontinent formed when all of the continents were joined together?

The large supercontinent formed when all of the continents were joined together was called Pangaea. Pangaea existed around 335 million years ago and began breaking apart around 175 million years ago, eventually leading to the formation of the continents we have today.

Which cities that were major settlements in 1800 have more than 100000 residents today in the southeast?

Some examples of cities in the southeastern United States that were major settlements in 1800 and have more than 100,000 residents today include: Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and Mobile, Alabama. These cities have grown significantly since 1800 due to factors such as population growth, economic development, and urbanization.

In the past most of the landmass on Earth was concentrated in a single large continent?

This supercontinent, known as Pangaea, existed around 300 million years ago and gradually broke apart into the continents we recognize today due to plate tectonics and continental drift. This process continues to shape the Earth's surface today.

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