Those coordinates are close to Rome (Italy)
Yes, Ukraine is located around 49-52 degrees north latitude and 23-41 degrees east longitude. The specific coordinates you provided do not correspond to a location in Ukraine.
A city located at 41° North, 12° East would be Rome, Italy.
The city located at approximately 41 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude is New York City, USA.
Russia has the greatest latitudinal extent, spanning from about 41 degrees north to 81 degrees north.
Those coordinates are close to Rome (Italy)
The Tyrrhenian Sea.
41 degrees 12 minutes north, 13 degrees 34 minutes east
41 degrees 54 minutes north, 12 degrees 27 minutes east.
Knyazhi in Kasimovsky District of Ryazan Oblast, Russia is near 55 degrees north and 41 degrees east. Knyazhi is 54N 39E.
Lazio, Italy.
Paris, France
dont friggen knw