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Those are all examples of landforms found on Earth's surface. Mountains are elevated land features with steep sides, while valleys are low-lying areas between mountains or hills. Plains are large, flat areas of land, while islands are land masses surrounded by water. Peninsulas are landforms that are almost surrounded by water but connected to the mainland on one side.

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Q: What is a shape on the planet surface such as mountains valley plain island or peninsula?
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What is the geography of the planet Venus?

Venus is a rocky planet similar in size and composition to Earth. It has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide that traps heat, leading to extreme temperatures on its surface. Venus is covered in volcanic plains, mountains, and large impact craters.

Why humans occupy just a fraction of the surface area of the earth?

Humans occupy just a fraction of the Earth's surface area due to the diverse range of ecosystems on the planet, including uninhabitable regions like deserts, mountains, and polar regions. Additionally, most of Earth's surface is covered by water, limiting the amount of habitable land available for human settlement.

Definition of landforms?

Landforms are natural features of the Earth's surface, such as mountains, valleys, plains, and plateaus, that are created through geological processes like erosion, tectonic activity, and weathering. They are the result of the interaction between the Earth's processes and the materials that make up the surface of the planet. Landforms play a crucial role in shaping the physical geography of a region and influencing the distribution of ecosystems and human activities.

What is a liquid rock called?

A liquid rock is called magma when it is beneath the Earth's surface and lava when it reaches the surface through volcanic activity.

What is A quarter of the world's surface?

A quarter of the world's surface refers to the land area of the Earth. This accounts for roughly 25% of the total area of the planet. The landmasses are distributed across different continents and countries.

Related questions

Does Saturn have mountains?

No. Saturn is a gas planet. It has no solid surface.

Does the planet Neptune have mountains?

No, planet Neptune is a gas giant, which means is has no solid surfaces. Without a surface it's impossible for mountains to form.

Does uranus have mountains craters and plains?

No. It is a gas planet, meaning it does not have a solid surface.

Does jupier have mountains?

Jupiter is a gas giant planet, with no solid surface to stand on (except for it's core) so no it does not have mountains

How many mountains does mercury have?

Mercury does not have any mountains. It is a small, rocky planet with a heavily cratered surface, but lacks the tectonic activity that creates mountains on Earth.

Does uranus have mountains or valley and name them?

No. Uranus is a gas planet, so it does not have a solid surface.

Can the mountains be on a different planet?

Other rocky planets and moons can have mountain ranges also. The size of the mountains on other planets and moons depends on a variety of conditions such as volcanic activity, composition and surface pressure etc. Mountain height also depend largely on the size of the planet. A planet with a larger mass will have more gravity at the surface and so the mountains wont be able to form to large heights, while a smaller planet will have less gravity, allowing higher mountains to form.

Are there mountains on Saturn?

Saturn is a gas giant and does not have a solid surface like Earth, so it does not have mountains in the traditional sense. The visible "mountains" on Saturn are actually tall cloud formations in its atmosphere.

How do the moving plates cause constant changes to the surface of your planet?

they build mountains and volcanoes, and cause earthquakes.

Name at least 3 landforms found on our planet's surface?

~mountains... well thatz a start... forgot the other 2...

Are there mountains on Saturn the planet?

It seems unlikely that there are any mountains on Saturn. Saturn is one of the 'gas giant" planets, and if it has a solid surface - which is by no means certain - it is far below the cloudtops.

Where is the snowy mountain on Poptropica?

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