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A rural region is an area of low population density where people mainly live on farms and the country sides and also live far from the cities. A rural region is a place full of farm area and a lot of wide open spaces.

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A rural region is an area characterized by a low population density and a focus on agriculture or natural resource-based industries. It is typically less developed than urban areas, with fewer amenities and services.

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What is an arcadia?

An arcadia, as a common noun, is an ideal region of rural and idyllic contentment.

Can you give adjectives that describe a region?

Some adjectives to describe a geographical region are:hotcolddryhumidaridpopulouslonelyvastdiversemountainousverdantstark

How do you know when a region ends?

Regions are divided into 2 main category's Urban and Rural. An Urban region has many homes, Businesses, Factories and transportation routes such as roads and railway lines. Also in Canada, five people live in towns and cities for every one rural person. A Rural region has open countryside's with few towns. As our population has grown the number of people living in rural regions has decreased.Source: Physical Geography 7 Nelson Text Book

Where is a rural region?

In the sticks....farmland, countryside etc. A place that is not built up, or "urbanised".