The distance in road miles between Devon and London is approximately 200 miles.
The road mile distance between Sarnia and Windsor is approximately 100 miles.
The road mile distance between Houston, TX and Clarksville, TN is approximately 715 miles.
The road mile distance between Petrolia in Ontario and Windsor in Ontario is approximately 141 miles via ON-40 and ON-401.
The road mile distance between Tampa and Fort Myers, Florida is approximately 135 miles via I-75.
63 road miles from Sarnia, ON to London, ON
200 miles by road.
The driving distance between York and London is about 209 road miles.
448 miles.
Mile End tube station is located in the Mile End area of London. The station can be found on the A11, Mile End Road near the junction with Eric Street.
The Mansion House in the City of London (Square Mile) is the centre of modern London. However, road distances are measured from Charing Cross , the south side of Trafalgar Square (Nelson's Column). These two locations are about 2 miles apart.
63 miles (101km).
Dr.A.R.Rahman, 10 trellis square Bow Road London E32DR
I'm not 100% sure but I think it was 1987
Trafalgar Square is situated in Central London at the junctions of Whitehall, The Mall, The Strand, Northumberland Avenue and Charing Cross Road.
Park Lane Road in London, EnglandPark Lane Road in London, EnglandPark Lane Road in London, EnglandPark Lane Road in London, EnglandPark Lane Road in London, England