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When a country has a lower life expectancy than another one it basically means that people, on average live for a shorter time than in that other country as a life expectancy of a country is the average time you can expect a person to live for. Generally, a woman's life expectancy is slightly higher than a man's by about 2 or 3 years. Japan currently has the highest life expectancy with people there enjoying an average of 84 years. Sierra Leone is currently on the other end of the scale, with people there living for just 46 years.

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A much lower life expectancy in one country compared to another indicates that the population in the first country, on average, lives for a shorter time period. This could be due to factors such as inadequate healthcare, poor living conditions, high levels of poverty, or prevalence of disease and illness. It highlights disparities in healthcare systems and overall quality of life between the two countries.

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Q: What does it mean for a country to have a much lower life expectancy than another country?
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What South American country has the lowest life expectancy?

The South American country with the lowest life expectancy is Bolivia. The average life expectancy in Bolivia is around 71 years. Factors such as poverty, limited access to healthcare, and high rates of malnutrition contribute to the lower life expectancy in Bolivia compared to other South American countries.

What does the US rank in life expectancy?

The US ranks around 35th in the world for life expectancy, with an average life expectancy of around 78 years. Several factors contribute to this ranking, including access to healthcare, lifestyle choices, and socioeconomic disparities.

What does the level of development of a country mean?

The level of development of a country refers to its overall economic, social, and infrastructural advancement, often measured by factors such as GDP per capita, life expectancy, education levels, and quality of infrastructure. It indicates how well a country is able to provide for the needs of its population and sustain a high quality of life.

If country a has a significantly higher human development index than country b what types of assumptions can you make?

Country B may have shorter life expectancies. country A has more literate people. country A has better health care system. Apex

Population of Ghana-?

As of 2021, the estimated population of Ghana is around 31 million people. Ghana is experiencing steady population growth due to factors such as high fertility rates and improved healthcare leading to longer life expectancy.

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What South American country has the lowest life expectancy?

The South American country with the lowest life expectancy is Bolivia. The average life expectancy in Bolivia is around 71 years. Factors such as poverty, limited access to healthcare, and high rates of malnutrition contribute to the lower life expectancy in Bolivia compared to other South American countries.

Is life expectancy determined at birth?

No life expectancy is not determined at birth. Life expectancy is determined by a variety of factors. Factors that influence life expectancy are quality of life, health factors, environment, location, family life among others. Exercise and eating habits influence our life expectancy, smoking and alcohol as well as illegal (and legal) drug use (abuse) can lead to a lower life expectancy. Health care and technology will generally improve throughout peoples' lives leading to an increase in life expectancy.

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If the life expectancy is high, then the wealth of the country will be high as well

Which European country has the highest life expectancy?

The country with the highest life expectancy in the world is Andorra - which is a little country between France and Spain.

What country in Africa has the highest life expectancy?

Seychelles life expectancy is 71 years.

What country has the best life expectancy?

This depends on what you mean by best. But according to Schott's Almanac 2010: The country with the highest female life expectancy is Japan, at 85.6. And the country with the highest male life expectancy is Australia, at 79.3.

Why is the life expectancy low in Ghana than UK?

Ghana is an LDC, a least developed country. There they have poor conditions relating to health. However, in Great Britain, the life expectancy is higher because it is an HDC, highly developed country. There, most of the people are well cared for regarding sanitation and other health factors. Therefore, Ghana's average life expectancy is lower.

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In South America which country has the lowest life expectancy?

Life expectancy refers to the average length of time a person can expect to live. In the US, the life expectancy is around 80 years of age. In South America, the country with the lowest life expectancy is Guyana, with a life expectancy of 63.32 years of age.

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No country has a life expectancy of 37 years. The lowest is 46 years, which is of Central African Republic.

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What is the life expectancy in Turkey for a male and female?

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