A compact country is a nation that has a shape that does not have many indentations or irregularities, making it relatively easy to govern and maintain communication and transportation networks across its territory. Examples of compact countries include Poland and Austria.
Chile has one of the most compact territorial shapes among countries, stretching over 4,300 kilometers in length while averaging just 177 kilometers wide. This elongated shape has earned it the nickname "The Land of Poets."
The countries with the most compact shapes are typically those with a high ratio of land area to perimeter, such as countries with a roughly circular or square shape. Examples of countries with compact shapes include Poland, Hungary, and Uruguay. These countries have relatively small variations in their width and tend to have a higher land area compared to their perimeter length.
Africa and South America are similar in physical outline shape. This resemblance is due to the way these continents used to fit together as part of the supercontinent Pangaea.
explan the compactness of continent
A sphere.
disk (compact disk)
high water content and flat shape of particles
Animals have somewhat compact shapes although they do not necessarily take the most compact form possible (which would be a sphere). Compact shapes are more defensible. Long, thin filaments can be more easily severed than short, thick limbs.
CD stands for a Compact Disc.CD can also mean Change Directory when used as a command.
CD mean only compact disk
A compact country is a nation that has a shape that does not have many indentations or irregularities, making it relatively easy to govern and maintain communication and transportation networks across its territory. Examples of compact countries include Poland and Austria.
compact disc
Compact has a few different meanings. It can mean to neatly pack something or it can mean that it is made up of something specific. It can also mean to exert force onto something.
It means that everyone agrees to the compact.
The word "compact" can mean a few different things depending on the context. It can refer to something that is closely and neatly packed together, like a compact car or a compact disc. It can also describe an agreement or a binding treaty between parties.