Different colors on a map typically represent different categories or types of data. For example, in a topographic map, different colors may indicate varying elevations. In a thematic map, colors may represent different levels of a particular variable, such as population density or average temperature.
The symbol for a mountain peak on a map typically looks like a small triangle or triangle with a dot in the center, representing the highest point of elevation in that area.
A triangle with a dot in the center typically represents a mountain peak on a map. The dot indicates the highest point of elevation.
A topographic map. It uses contour lines to represent changes in elevation and help visualize the terrain's relief and shape.
it represents a city or state usually
See the legend. There's no standard "meaning" for any color on a map, though it's pretty common that blue means water.
In a periodic equation a triangle can be used to represent the given change of something.
On a map, black dots usually represent capital cities.
Mapmakers use scale to represent distances between points on a map.
How grey is used on a map can be found in the map's legend.
At a glance Virginia roughly looks like a triangle on the map.
It would represent 6 inches!
if you are referring to a road map, the red triangle is a point where milage is shown in red between 2 red triangles
Illuminati confirmed
no it cannot represent as in angle triangle rule it doesnt prove that term
The food pyramid is a triangle because it is the easiets to represent the data