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Did you know that Pangaea started 225 million years ago. In my science text book for seventh grade i learned something really amazing. They have images of pangaea drifting apart. I noticed that it drifts apart each 45 million years. The weird thing is that the Mesozoic Era the period of the dinosaurs began 245 million years ago and lasted 180 years. The second drift is when dinosaurs roamed the earth, the meteor that ended dinosaurs hit earth 65 million years ago which hit the coast of New Mexico. Which the thrid drift is when the northern cracked and left eastern part of Asia and Europe. Hope this helps!!

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8mo ago

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago and began to break apart around 175 million years ago, eventually leading to the formation of the continents we see today. The name Pangaea means "all Earth" in Greek, and the concept of this ancient supercontinent is supported by geological evidence such as fossil similarities and matching mountain ranges on different continents.

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What were the dinosaurs on pangaea?

I know there were Lithosaurus.

How do science know pangaea is real?

scientists proof of pangaea is there were fosils of the same animals or dinosaurs in all 7 continents

What is a pangaea plate?

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 300 million years ago, when all the Earth's continents were joined together as a single landmass. The plates that make up the Earth's crust shifted over time, breaking apart Pangaea into the continents we know today.

What does the pangaea mean?

The word Pangaea means entire Earth. Pangaea is the name for the supercontinent that existed about 200 million years ago. The continents broke apart and drifted into the current positions we know today.

If I were to use the word Pangaea in a title how likely are people to know its meaning without running for Google?

Many of the general population do not know what Pangaea is, but some may. So if you use it, provide an explanation.

What was the land mass called before the continents split?

The land mass was called Pangaea before the continents split into the continents we know today. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago.

What is the first continent?

The first continent is generally believed to be Pangaea, which formed around 335 million years ago. Pangaea eventually broke apart into the continents we know today due to plate tectonics.

What supercontinent formed at the end of the Paleozoic era?

The supercontinent that formed at the end of the Paleozoic era is known as Pangaea. Pangaea began to break apart during the Mesozoic era, ultimately leading to the formation of the continents as we know them today.

Which of Earths oceans was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea?

The Atlantic Ocean was created by the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. As Pangaea began to separate into the continents we know today, the Atlantic Ocean formed in between them through the process of seafloor spreading.

What are the two halves of pangaea?

The two halves of Pangaea are Laurasia, which was located in the northern hemisphere, and Gondwana, which was located in the southern hemisphere. These two landmasses eventually broke apart to form the continents we know today.

What are the names of the two large landmasses when Pangaea initially broke apart?

Actually, Pangaea was all the continents smashed together. But, the two continents that broke apart after Pangaea was created were named "Gondwanaland" and "Laurasia".

How many continents did earth have at the time of Pangaea?

Actually according to my scientific calculations Pangaea means all Earth toghether.So 1 because at the time it was Pangaea all the land masses were together.