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中国 [zhōng guó]

middle - 中; country - 国

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The Chinese call their country "Zhongguo," which translates to "Middle Kingdom" or "Middle Country." This term references the belief that China was the center of civilization.

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Q: What do the Chinese call their country a word that means middle country?
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Chinese call their country zhongguo which means what?

Middle Country.

Why do the Chinese call their country the middle country?

They considered it to be in the middle of the world and the most inportant country in the world.

What do the Chinese call their country a word which means middle country?

The Chinese call their country 中國(zhong1 guo2 - lit. middle country) because this was how the government referred to their centralized power during times where China was divided into many different "countries". So this name does not only refer to geographic location (while the users believed their location to be the center of civilization), but also to political affiliation.

Why did the Chinese call their country the middle?

They considered China to be in the middle of the world and the most important country in the world.

Why did the Chinese call their country the middle kingdom?

They considered China to be in the middle of the world and the most important country in the world.

What does the word China mean in Chinese?

China means old land and hard work. But you can only use it by using the beterian Chinese. The word 'China' in Chinese means the 'MIDDLE COUNTRY' and is pronounced as 'Zhong Guo',written as '中國'.

What did the Chinese call their country during traditional times?

China's history can be tracked back over 3,500 years, making it the oldest living civilization. The ancient Chinese called their land Chung Kuo or "middle country"

What did Chinese call their land?

middle kingdom

Why did the Chinese call their land Zhongguo?

every country can be in the middle horizontally according to the map today. but its impossible for China to be in the middle vertically according to the map today. Source: wikipedia, China is called Zhongguo (中國 or 中国) in Chinese. The character zhōng (中) means "middle" or "central," while guó (国 or 國) means "state". The term is commonly translated into English as "Middle Kingdom", but is also sometimes translated as "Central Kingdom".[1]

What is the Chinese word for foreigner?

The Chinese word for foreigner is "外国人" (wàiguórén).

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Marco Polo had never been to Japan, but he did write about what he heard about the country while he was in China. Marco Polo called Japan Cipangu, which means 'the country of Japan' in Chinese.

Why is it called Chinese pie?

The English word "pie" is from Middle English but has no confirmed origin.