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It split up into various continents and India attached to Asia.

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Pangaea split into Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south. Over time, these supercontinents further divided into various land masses that eventually formed the continents we have today.

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Q: What did the Pangaea split up in to?
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How did Pangaea get split up?

Pangaea, the supercontinent, split up due to the movement of tectonic plates. This movement caused the continents to drift apart over millions of years, leading to the formation of the current continents. The process is known as plate tectonics.

Name one of the two super continents that Pangaea split into?

One of the two supercontinents that Pangaea split into is Laurasia.

Is Pangaea a ancient continent?

Pangea was all continents before they split up into different regions.

Pangaea is currency of which country?

I think Pangaea was the name of the 'supercontinent' that existed billions of years ago that eventually split up to form the continents that exist today.

What were the two super continents that Pangaea split up into?

The two supercontinents that Pangaea split up into were Laurasia and Gondwana. Laurasia eventually formed North America, Europe, and Asia, while Gondwana formed South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and the Indian subcontinent.

What you found out about pangaea?

Pangaea, from the greek for Entire Earth, is the name scientists have given to the mass of all continents before they split up from tectonic movement and continental drift.

What is the missing word from this sentence studying you infer how Pangaea split into continents?

The missing word is "can." The complete sentence is: "Studying you can infer how Pangaea split into continents."

When did pangaea split into two landmasses?

Pangaea existed from about 250 to 175 million years ago.

What was the land mass called before the continents split?

The land mass was called Pangaea before the continents split into the continents we know today. Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed about 335 million years ago.

What would have happened if pangaea hadnt split up?

Not all parts of Pangaea have split up. Pangaea is merely the most recent of several 'build and scatter'processes that have occurred in our Earth's history. Some of the parts of this assembly are known as cratons, and have survived several generations of 'build and scatter'. A search in your on-line encyclopedia under 'super continent' should turn up the names and dates of some earlier ones.

What does computer modeling show about the breakup of Pangaea?

It shows that Pangaea was a long continent that crossed the equator. Asia & North America then split from the other continent. Antarctica split off the rest.