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Clark wrote in his journal that they had reached the Pacific Ocean on November 7, 1805, and that the sight was grand and satisfying after their long and arduous journey across the continent. He also noted the presence of whales spouting in the distance.

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Q: What did Clark write in his journal when they reached the Pacific Ocean?
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Lewis and Clark reached the pacific ocean in November 15 1805

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Yes they did, they explored the lower west from the east coast until they reached the Pacific Ocean.

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It was not the Atlantic that was their destination, they were to cross and explore the Louisiana Territory and reach the Pacific Ocean, which they already knew existed. And yes, they did successfully reach the Pacific and make a successful return home.

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Lewis and Clark journeyed to the pacific ocean

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An expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

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The Lewis and Clark Expedition ended in the Pacific Ocean near present-day Astoria, Oregon. They reached the mouth of the Columbia River in November 1805, marking the successful completion of their journey to explore the western territory of the United States.

When did the corps of discovery arrive at the pacific ocean?

They reached the Pacific Ocean in November 15,1805