The coordinates 10N 84W point to the country of Nicaragua in Central America.
San Jose
The country located at coordinates 10N and 61W is Trinidad and Tobago. It is a dual-island Caribbean nation situated near the coast of Venezuela.
The lines of 10°N latitude and 0° longitude cross in the country of Ghana, located in West Africa.
The coordinates 34N 84W correspond to Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States.
The coordinates 9°N 84°W point to San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica.
San Jose
[object Object]
San Jose
The country located at coordinates 10N and 61W is Trinidad and Tobago. It is a dual-island Caribbean nation situated near the coast of Venezuela.
The lines of 10°N latitude and 0° longitude cross in the country of Ghana, located in West Africa.
The coordinates 34N 84W correspond to Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States.
I'm pretty sure it's Yamoussoukro
The coordinates 9°N 84°W point to San Jose, the capital city of Costa Rica. case you aren't in a clicking mood, it looks like Norway.
The coordinates 10°N 67°W point to the country of Venezuela in South America.
your answer is at the latitude and longitude of stupidity and self conciousness