The country located at 55N and 20E coordinates is Finland.
The country located at coordinates 25N, 20E is Egypt. It is situated in North Africa and bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north.
which country is lacated at 60n 10e
The coordinates 60N 100W point to Canada. It is located in the northern part of the country, specifically in the province of Manitoba.
The coordinates 70N 20E point to Finland, a country located in Northern Europe. Finland shares borders with Sweden, Norway, and Russia.
North America
The country located at 55N and 20E coordinates is Finland.
The country located at coordinates 25N, 20E is Egypt. It is situated in North Africa and bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north.
which country is lacated at 60n 10e
The coordinates 60N 100W point to Canada. It is located in the northern part of the country, specifically in the province of Manitoba.
The coordinates 70N 20E point to Finland, a country located in Northern Europe. Finland shares borders with Sweden, Norway, and Russia.
The country located at 40°S 20°E is South Africa.
The coordinates 60N 135W correspond to the southern part of Alaska, which is located in the United States.
The capital of the country located at 40N and 20E is Ankara, the capital of Turkey.
The country of Albania is at 40N and 20E. Albania is a country located in central Europe. the capital is Tirana.
The coordinate 120E and 60N corresponds to Siberia, which is located in Russia. It is a vast region characterized by its cold temperatures and expansive forests.