The coordinates 20N and 60E correspond to a location in the country India.
The coordinates 20N and 60E correspond to a location in the Arabian Sea, near the coast of Oman.
By the coordinates 20N & 60E are in the the Arabian Sea, a branch of the Indian ocean.
The nearest landed country is 'Oman', which is in the Arabian peninsula.
The coordinates 20N 65W correspond to Haiti.
The coordinates 20N 78E correspond to India.
The country at 60°N and 60°E coordinates is Russia.
The country located at 20N and 65W is Haiti. It shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic and is situated in the Caribbean Sea.
The country with coordinates 20N and 80E is India. India is located in South Asia and is known for its diverse culture, history, and cuisine.
The coordinates 20N 60E correspond to a location in the Indian Ocean, close to Somalia and the Arabian Sea.
The Arabian Sea
the absolute is 20n and 60e
The coordinates 20N 65W correspond to Haiti.
The coordinates 20N 78E correspond to India.
The country at 60°N and 60°E coordinates is Russia.
The country located at 20N and 65W is Haiti. It shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic and is situated in the Caribbean Sea.
The country with coordinates 20N and 80E is India. India is located in South Asia and is known for its diverse culture, history, and cuisine.
Oman is 20n latitude and 57 e longitude
The coordinates 20N 75E point to India, specifically to the northern region near the city of Lucknow.
It is Saudi Arabia.