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South Africa has, in fact, three capital cities. The first is Pretoria, the executive capital. Second is Bloemfontein, the judicial capital. Finally is Cape Town, the legislative capital. Interestingly, the most populous and one of the most well-known cities, Johannesburg, is not a capital.

There are, however, other countries in Africa with only two capital cities. These include Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Swaziland and Tanzania. Thank you to Einstein2191 for providing this link.

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5mo ago

South Africa is the only country in Africa with two capitals. Pretoria is the administrative capital, where the executive branch is located, and Cape Town is the legislative capital, where the Parliament meets.

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South Africa: Capetown (legislative), Pretoria (administrative), and Bloemfontein (judiciary). Remember, South Africa is a country by itself, but has 3 capitals.

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If you are asking "Which country has the most capitals" then the answer is: South Africa, with three: Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein. Also, there are countries with two capitals, like Bolivia, the Netherlands, and Tanzania.

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What country in Africa has 3 capitals and what are they?

South Africa: Capetown (legislative capital), Pretoria (administrative capital), and Bloemfontein (judiciary capital).

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Pretoria (executive) Bloemfontein (judicial).

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