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Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

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4mo ago

Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan surround the Aral Sea.

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Q: What countries surrond the aral sea?
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What two countries do The Aral sea lie in?

The Aral Sea lies between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

What continent is the Aral Sea located in?

The Aral Sea is located in Central Asia, straddling the countries of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

What countries border the Aral Sea?

The Aral Sea is located across the border of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

The inland sea that borders Kazakhstan?

The Aral Sea borders the countries of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The Syr Dar'ya River runs into the Aral Sea and runs through the southern part of Kazakhstan. The Caspian Sea

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The Aral Sea is a saltwater lake which spans the borders of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The Aral Sea is drying up due to irresponsible irrigation .

Aral sea belongs to what continent?

The Aral Sea is said to be located in Central Asia, and borders Central Asian countries such as Afghanistan and Kazakhstan.

The Aral Sea crosses the border of which two countries?

The Aral Sea crosses the border between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

What twelve Asian countries are landlocked including countries on the Caspian Sea and Aral Sea?

its the south america and north america,china,japan,and asia

What is 2 cuntries border arel sea?

Two countries that border the Aral Sea are Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Which continent is the Aral Sea located?

it is located in Asia, in Uzbekistan and Kazahkstan

Where are the Aral Mountains?

The Aral Sea is located in Uzbekistan and Kazakstan. (Both countries were part of the former Soviet Union.) A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on the Aral Sea, and you'll find a map there.

Large saltwater lake between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan?

Answer:The Aral Sea