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Western Australiaaa andd the resstt jusstt findd on another websiteee:D

andd if yuu can't findd out about how many coutries he foundd theen yuu havee to go to Japan to findd out the questions becusee theeey know all of the answers for Federick De Houtman!

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8mo ago

Frederick de Houtman was a Dutch explorer who is known for discovering parts of Western Australia, as well as the islands of Mauritius and Madagascar during his voyages in the late 16th century.

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When was Frederick de Houtman born?

Frederick de Houtman was born in 1571.

When did Frederick de Houtman die?

Frederick de Houtman died on 1627-10-21.

When did Frederick Houtman die?

Frederick de Houtman died on 1627-10-21.

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When did Frederick de houtman sail to Australia?

Frederick de Houtman was a Dutch explorer who, along with Jacob d'Edel, sighted land along the western coast of Australia. The area was close to where Perth is today, and they called it d'Edelsland. They sailed further north along the coastline only just avoiding a group of shoals which they named Houtman Abrolhos. Houtman then landed at Eendrachtsland, an area previously encountered by explorer Dirk Hartog.

When did Cornelis de Houtman die?

Cornelis de Houtman died in 1599-08.

What is Cornelis de Houtman's birthday?

Cornelis de Houtman was born on April 2, 1565.

When was Cornelis de Houtman born?

Cornelis de Houtman was born on April 2, 1565.

What are the names of the 3 Dutch explorers that visited Australia before the British?

1606 Willem Janszoon.1616 Dirk Hartog.1619 Frederick de Houtman.1644 Abel Tasman.1696 Willem de Vlaming

Where did frerick de houtman die?

In Holland, Alkmaar, Dutch Republic

What land did cornelis de houtman discover?

Java, Nederlandsch Oost-Indie

What has the author Erik Houtman written?

Erik Houtman has written: 'Kaarten en plattegronden, betreffende de provincie Limburg bewaard in Parijse verzamelingen' -- subject(s): Maps, Bibliography