The Straits of Dover separate the United Kingdom (specifically England) and France.
The Strait of Dover is next to both France and the United Kingdom. It separates the two countries across the narrowest part of the English Channel.
France and Spain are separated by the Pyrenees mountains.
France and Spain are separated by the Pyrenees mountain range.
Spain and France are separated by the Pyrenees Mountains.
Germany was separated into two separate countries, East Germany and West Germany, until they were reunified in 1990.
The Strait of Dover, in the English Channel, separates Britain from France.
England and the mainland of Europe are separated by the Straits of Dover.At the narrowest point, between Dover and Calais, this is 34km wide (21miles).
The straits of Dover touches France at its northernest tip.
Anglesey is separated from the North Wales mainland by the Menai Straits.
It is the Straits of Malacca
The Straits of Dover, Bering Straits and the Straits of Gibraltar are just three examples. A strait is a navigable narrow channel connecting two larger bodies of water.
The strait that connects the English Channel to the North Sea is called the Strait of Dover. It is one of the busiest maritime routes in the world due to its strategic location.
Yes. It's called the English Channel, or LA MANCHE in French. At its narrowest point, the Straits of Dover (Le Pas de Calais) between Dover and Calais, it is 22 miles wide.
Iceland lies to the south of Greenland and is separated by the Denmark Straits.
Alaska is the US state that is separated from Russia across the Bering Straits.