Antarctica is located closest to 80 south longitude. It is the southernmost continent and surrounds the South Pole.
The continent located at 0 degrees latitude and 60 degrees west longitude is South America.
Every line of longitude crosses the continent of Antarctica.
The city located at 6 degrees south latitude and 106 degrees west longitude is Lima, the capital of Peru.
The gulf of Oman
"85 degrees south" is a latitude. Every point at that latitude is on the Antarctic continent.
30 S 135 E is McDouall Peak, South Australia. So the continent is Australia.
Antarctica is located closest to 80 south longitude. It is the southernmost continent and surrounds the South Pole.
There is no country at the coordinates 80 degrees south latitude and 140 degrees west longitude. It is a point on the continent of Antarctica.
South America
The continent located at 0 degrees latitude and 60 degrees west longitude is South America.
The approximate coordinates for the geographic South Pole in Antarctica are 90 degrees south latitude and 0 degrees east longitude.
30 S 135 E is in South Australia.
The country of Kenya is in the Africa continent, and the Africa continent and latitude and longitude for the country are- 0.4252 Degrees South, 36.7517 Degrees East.
Every line of longitude crosses the continent of Antarctica.