The distance between Cypress, Texas and Houston, Texas is approximately 30 miles.
Houston is the city in Texas with the highest population. It is the fourth largest city in the United States.
Texas is a state in the United States, not a continent. It is located in North America and is the second largest state in terms of both area and population.
Sam Houston's capital was located in the city of Houston, Texas.
Houston is located in the United States, specifically in the state of Texas.
north America
Houston, Texas. Why didn't you just google it?
Houston is in southeastern Texas.
Houston, Texas is located in the Gulf Coast Region.
Houston was a capital of Texas but the capital of Texas was moved to Austin in 1839.
Houston is located in Texas. It is a large city in Texas.
Houston texas is farther from Dallas Texas
Houston, Texas? No, it is not.
It is 24.25 miles north of Houston.