The continent that is located at 60 degrees north and 100 degrees east is Asia.
The continent located at 60 degrees north and 140 degrees west is North America.
The continent located at 60 degrees south and 60 degrees east is Antarctica.
North America is at 60 degrees north and 120 degrees west.
The coordinates 60°S 60°E point to Antarctica, which is the southernmost continent on Earth. It is known for its extreme cold temperatures and vast ice sheets.
The continent that is located at 60 degrees north and 100 degrees east is Asia.
60 N 100 W is Nueltin Lake, Canada.So the continent is North America.
0 degrees and 60 degrees East
The coordinates 60 north 100 west point to North America, specifically the region of northwestern Canada near the border with Alaska.
Krasnoyarsk Krai, in Russia.