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North America has efficient farming methods due to advanced technology, irrigation systems, crop rotation, and precision agriculture techniques that help maximize yield and minimize environmental impact.

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Q: What continent has efficient farming methods?
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Distinguish between traditional methods of farming and modern methods of farming.?

Traditional farming methods rely on manual labor, simple tools like plows and sickles, and natural fertilizers like manure. In contrast, modern farming methods involve advanced technologies like tractors, pesticides, genetically modified seeds, and synthetic fertilizers to increase efficiency and productivity. Traditional farming practices are often sustainable and environmentally friendly, while modern methods prioritize high yields and profit margins.

What do you call the study of farming?

The study of farming is called agriculture. It covers various aspects of farming practices, crop production, livestock management, soil science, and sustainable agriculture methods.

Is traditonal farming better than modern farming?

Traditional farming and modern farming both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional farming is often more sustainable and environmentally friendly, while modern farming tends to be more efficient and productive. The choice between the two depends on various factors such as location, scale of operation, and available resources.

Why did farming never emerge in Australia?

There are several reasons why farming never emerged as a dominant mode of subsistence in Australia. The country's unpredictable and variable climate, lack of suitable domesticable plant and animal species, and abundance of natural resources for hunting and gathering may have made farming less necessary for survival. Additionally, Indigenous Australians had developed highly efficient and sustainable methods of foraging and managing the land, which may have made farming practices less attractive.

Which continent has no arable land?

Antarctica has no arable land due to its extremely cold climate, with 98% of the continent covered in ice. This makes it inhospitable for agriculture or any form of farming.

Related questions

What are the modern farming methods?

the modern farming methods are drip system, sprinkler system.

What are the different farming methods in the Philippines?

farming system in philippines

How do the inputs farming processes and the outputs differ on a small-scale subsistence farm from a cash crop farm?

In subsistence farming the crops the output is for home use only and on cash crop farm the output is for sale and the profit is invested back into the farm. Also in subsistence farming the inherited knowledge is used when farming and in cash crop farming new and efficient methods are put into practice

What are two farming conservation methods?

Two farming ways are the conservation

How do input farming processes and the output differ on a small-scale subsistence farm from a cash crop farm?

In subsistence farming the crops the output is for home use only and on cash crop farm the output is for sale and the profit is invested back into the farm. Also in subsistence farming the inherited knowledge is used when farming and in cash crop farming new and efficient methods are put into practice

What continent has no land suitable for farming?


What are methods of intensive farming?

There are a variety of new methods of agriculture. Some of these include integrated pest management, no-till agriculture, as well as biodynamic agriculture.

What are two types of agricultural methods in US?

extensive farming and intensive farming.

What are two ways that modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods?

Modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods in the chemicals they use to help control weeds. Traditional methods dictate that crops had to be hoed to control weeds. Nutrients are also being placed in soil to replace those lost over the winter. Composting was a traditional method of restoring chemical balance to the soil.

How has farming influenced the population growth?

Farming has led to increased food production and improved nutrition, which has supported population growth by ensuring a stable food supply. Additionally, advancements in agricultural technology have allowed for more efficient farming methods, leading to higher crop yields and increased food production to feed a growing population.

What do you mean by methods and irrigation?

methods of irrigation means the different methods by which u can perform agriculture(farming).

What are the release dates for Farming Old and New Methods - 1911?

Farming Old and New Methods - 1911 was released on: USA: 9 September 1911