The coordinates 42°N 78°W point to the city of Buffalo, New York in the United States.
The coordinates 45N 78W correspond to the city of Toronto, which is located in the province of Ontario, Canada.
The city located at 42N 75W is Syracuse, located in the state of New York, USA.
The city located at 42N 71W is Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.
The coordinates 42N 83W correspond to the city of Detroit, Michigan in the United States. It is located in the Great Lakes region in the northern part of the country.
The coordinates 42N and 13E correspond to the city of Palermo, which is the capital of Sicily, Italy. Palermo is located on the northern coast of the island and is known for its rich history, architecture, and cuisine.
The coordinates 45N 78W correspond to the city of Toronto, which is located in the province of Ontario, Canada.
The city located at 42N 75W is Syracuse, located in the state of New York, USA.
The city located at 42N 71W is Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.
Istanbul, Turkey is a major city located between the latitudes 40N and 42N.
The coordinates 42N 83W correspond to the city of Detroit, Michigan in the United States. It is located in the Great Lakes region in the northern part of the country.
The coordinates 42N and 13E correspond to the city of Palermo, which is the capital of Sicily, Italy. Palermo is located on the northern coast of the island and is known for its rich history, architecture, and cuisine.
The coordinates 42N 76W correspond to the city of Ithaca in New York, USA. This city is known for being home to Cornell University and having a picturesque location near the Finger Lakes region.
That would be Bishkek. It is the capital of Kyrgyzstan
where is the longitude and lagitute of 42n 88w?
The gcf of 14n and 42n^2 is 14n.