The coordinates 23N and 82W correspond to the city of Miami, located in the state of Florida in the United States.
The city located at coordinates 43N and 82W is Detroit, Michigan, USA.
The city located at 23N 90E is Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.
The city with coordinates 23N and 88E is Kolkata, India.
The coordinates 23N and 58E correspond to Dubai, a vibrant city in the United Arab Emirates known for its modern architecture, luxury shopping, and bustling nightlife.
The coordinates 23N and 82W correspond to the city of Miami, located in the state of Florida in the United States.
That is Lakeland Florida U.S. Just east of Tampa.
The city located at coordinates 43N and 82W is Detroit, Michigan, USA.
The coordinates 23°N 88°E correspond to the city of Kolkata, India. Kolkata is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal and is located on the eastern bank of the Hooghly River. It is known for its rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and vibrant arts scene.
The city located at 23N 90E is Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.
The city with coordinates 23N and 88E is Kolkata, India.
Jaruco, Cuba
The coordinates 23N and 58E correspond to Dubai, a vibrant city in the United Arab Emirates known for its modern architecture, luxury shopping, and bustling nightlife.
Detroit, Michigan is the closest major city to the coordinates 48N and 82W.
There's no city there. That point is in the sea, on the boundary between the territorial waters of the US and Cuba. It's about 40 miles south-southwest of Key West, and about 63 miles north-northeast of Havana.
The coordinates 42N 82W point to a location in North America. It specifically corresponds to a point in the lower peninsula of the state of Michigan in the United States.