The coordinates provided (175 E, 37 S) correspond to a point located in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of New Zealand. There is no specific city at these coordinates due to being in the ocean.
The city located at 24°E longitude and 37°N latitude is Cairo, the capital city of Egypt.
Moscow, Russia is located at approximately 55°N latitude and 37°E longitude.
The absolute location of Virginia's capital city, Richmond, is approximately 37.54°N latitude and 77.46°W longitude.
The absolute location of Iraq is approximately between 29 to 37 North latitude and 39 to 48 East longitude, in the Middle East region of Asia.
The coordinates "2s37e" do not correspond to a city. Instead, they are geographical coordinates that specify a location on the Earth's surface, indicating a point 2 degrees south latitude and 37 degrees east longitude. You would need additional information to determine the city located at those coordinates.
Latitude: N 6° 20' 20.688", Longitude: E 5° 37' 35.3352"
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
the city of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.
Latitude: 37°45′35″NLongitude: 100°01′06″W
Latitude: N 55° 45' 0" | Longitude: E 37° 37' 0.0012"
Latitude: 37°S Longitude: 144°E
The city located at 24°E longitude and 37°N latitude is Cairo, the capital city of Egypt.
Moscow, Russia Latitude : 56 45 N Longitude : 37 36 E latitude and longitude of Moscow : 55.75578,37.615149 latitude : 55.75578 longitude : 37.615149 (Values are in decimal degrees)
Silopi, Turkey.
37° North Latitude, 122° West Longitude
Melbourne is at 37.49 degrees S latitude and 144.58 degrees E longitude.