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5mo ago

Illinois borders Indiana to the west.

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Q: What borders Indiana to the west?
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What state borders Ohio on the west?

Indiana boarders Ohio to the west.

Which state borders Indiana to the west?


What state borders Indiana to the west?

Indiana borders Lake Michigan to the northwest, Michigan to the north, Ohio to the east, Kentucky to the south and southeast, and Illinois to the west.

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South Carolina i think it is Indiana for sure

Which state is on Ohio's western border?

The state that borders the west side of Ohio is Indiana.

What borders the Ohio river?

The boarders of Ohio is Michigan,West Virginia,Indiana and Penssivania

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Answer The western border of Kentucky is an irregular shape that borders Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.

Why is Indiana in the Midwest?

Indiana is in the Midwest because it borders Michigan to the north, Ohio to the east, Kentucky to the south and southeast, and Illinois to the west.

What are the borders of Indiana what are the borders in Indiana?

Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois border Indiana.

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Indiana borders Illinois to the west. If you are close to Indiana's western border you can drive to Illinois in a few minutes.

Is Ohio in the west?

Ohio is in an area of the United States called the midwest. It borders stares like Kentucky, Indiana, and West Virginia.

What borders Ohio on each side?

Ohio shares a border with Indiana to the west, Pennsylvania to the east, and Kentucky and West Virginia to the south.