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The continents are of varying sizes, with Asia being the largest at around 44.58 million square kilometers, and Australia being the smallest at around 7.7 million square kilometers. Other continents fall in between these sizes, such as Africa at around 30.37 million square kilometers, North America at around 24.71 million square kilometers, South America at around 17.84 million square kilometers, and Europe at around 10.18 million square kilometers.

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Q: What are the sizes of the continents?
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Which map would be useful for comparing the sizes of continents?

A Mercator projection map would be useful for comparing the sizes of continents as it preserves the shapes of continents but distorts their sizes, making it easier to visually compare.

Which tool would be best for seeing how the sizes of Earths continents?

A world map or globe would be the best tool for seeing the sizes of Earth's continents. Both provide a visual representation of the size and shape of continents in relation to one another.

What is best tool to use to compare the size of the continents?

A world map or globe is the best tool to use for comparing the size of continents. These provide a visual representation of the relative sizes of the continents in relation to each other.

How big should the continents be if the circumference of the globe is 9.5 inches?

Without additional information on the number of continents or their relative sizes, it is impossible to provide an exact size for each continent based on the circumference of the globe. In general, the continents should be divided proportionally based on their actual sizes on Earth to fit within the 9.5-inch circumference. Furthermore, the scale of the continents may need to be adjusted to ensure they are identifiable within the constraints of the globe model.

The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by what?

The sizes, shapes, and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by the movement of tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them, causing them to constantly shift and interact, leading to the creation of mountains, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the reshaping of the Earth's surface.

Related questions

Which map would be useful for comparing the sizes of continents?

A Mercator projection map would be useful for comparing the sizes of continents as it preserves the shapes of continents but distorts their sizes, making it easier to visually compare.

Are the sizes and shapes of the continents the same as the sizes and shapes of the plates?

No, the sizes and shapes of the continents do not directly correspond to the sizes and shapes of tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are larger and different in shape compared to the continents they contain. Continental plates can span multiple tectonic plates and vice versa.

Which tool would be best for seeing how the sizes of Earths continents?

A world map or globe would be the best tool for seeing the sizes of Earth's continents. Both provide a visual representation of the size and shape of continents in relation to one another.

What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans changed by?


The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


What is best tool to use to compare the size of the continents?

A world map or globe is the best tool to use for comparing the size of continents. These provide a visual representation of the relative sizes of the continents in relation to each other.

How many continents does the equator cross and what are their sizes from biggest to smallest?

Asia, africa, south america

How big should the continents be if the circumference of the globe is 9.5 inches?

Without additional information on the number of continents or their relative sizes, it is impossible to provide an exact size for each continent based on the circumference of the globe. In general, the continents should be divided proportionally based on their actual sizes on Earth to fit within the 9.5-inch circumference. Furthermore, the scale of the continents may need to be adjusted to ensure they are identifiable within the constraints of the globe model.

The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by what?

The sizes, shapes, and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by the movement of tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them, causing them to constantly shift and interact, leading to the creation of mountains, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the reshaping of the Earth's surface.

Are the shapes and sizes of the continents or the waterways shown more accurately on the Robinson projection map?

The Robinson projection map shows the shapes of the continents more accurately than the Mercator projection map, but both distort the sizes of landmasses, making areas near the poles appear larger than they are. Waterways and continents are more accurately depicted in size and shape on specialized maps like the Winkel Tripel projection, which aims to balance size and shape distortions.

List the continents?

The list of continents in terms of sizes are as follows- 1) Asia 2) Africa 3) North America 4) South America 5) Antarctica 6) Europe 7) Australia.