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Tornado prone areas of the world include the U.S. between the Rockies and the Appalachians, India and Bangladesh, Australia, South Africa, and Argentina. It should eb noted, though that tornadoes can happen almost anywhere.

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Some tornado-prone areas of the world include the central United States (Tornado Alley), parts of Argentina, South Africa, Australia, and Bangladesh. These regions experience frequent tornado activity due to favorable atmospheric conditions for the formation of tornadoes.

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Q: What are some tornado prone areas of the world?
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where in the world are floods most likely-to occur?

They mostly happen in south America or in Mexico where the land is dry is where the floods occur.Floods most commonly occur near a river or a coastal area, they commonly occur near low lying areas and areas below sea level. Floods can also be contributed to by mountain runoff

Where are elevated houses found?

Elevated houses are commonly found in flood-prone areas or regions prone to other natural disasters such as hurricanes or tsunamis. They are also common in coastal regions to mitigate the risk of storm surges and rising sea levels. Additionally, some traditional cultures prefer elevated houses for reasons such as ventilation and protection from wildlife.

Places affected by flooding?

Some places commonly affected by flooding include low-lying coastal regions, areas near rivers and lakes, urban areas with poor drainage systems, and regions prone to heavy rainfall or tropical storms. These areas are at higher risk of experiencing flash floods, river floods, or coastal flooding.

Why are these areas more likely to have tornado than other areas?

Areas with a higher likelihood of tornadoes typically have a combination of factors such as warm, moist air interacting with cooler, drier air masses, proximity to mountain ranges or bodies of water that can create lift and spin in the atmosphere, and weather patterns that are conducive to severe thunderstorms. Additionally, factors like flat terrain, such as in the Great Plains of the United States, can contribute to tornado formation by allowing storms to strengthen and rotate more easily.

Which country has the most tornadoes by area of land?

The United States has the most tornadoes by area of land. This is due to its unique geographic and atmospheric conditions that make it prone to the formation of tornadoes. The central part of the country, known as Tornado Alley, experiences a high frequency of tornadoes each year.

Related questions

What has man done to adapt to tornadoes?

Many areas conduct tornado drills so that people know what to do when one strikes. Towns in tornado prone areas have sirens that go off if a tornado is in the area. Some people have installed storm shelters in or near their houses and in trailer parks..

How do people adjust to tornado?

People in tornado-prone areas sometimes practice tornado drills just as most people practice fire drills. Some have storm shelters built into or near their homes, and many towns have sirens that sound when a tornado threatens.

How do people plan for a tornado disaster?

Places that are prone to tornadoes will commonly have tornado shelters in some homes and businesses, and towns will often have sirens that sound when a warning is issued. Schools in some areas practice tornado drills. Families are encouraged to come up with a course of action in the event of a tornado.

How do humans adapt their behaviour and environment to survive a tornado?

People living in tornado-prone areas are generally more prepared to take shelter quickly when a tornado threatens. Some schools and institutions practice tornado drills. Some buildings and homes are outfitted with tornado shelters and many towns have sirens that sound when a tornado warning is issued.

Which 2 countries are declared as cyclone areas prone areas and why?

There are a number of cyclone-prone areas of the world. Some of these include Australia, the Philippines, the Caribbean, as well as the east coast of the United States.

What are the earthquake prone areas in the world?

the reason some parts of the earth are more prone to having earthquakes is because of the fault line the cities are built on.

What should you do if you're in a mobile home during a tornado?

If you are in a mobile home and a tornado is coming you should leave and find a sturdier structure nearby, preferably one with a basement or cellar. Some trailer parks in tornado-prone areas have communal underground storm shelters that you can go to.

What is a tornado alarm?

A tornado alarm is a warning system that is used to alert people of an impending tornado. It is typically a loud siren or whistle that sounds when a tornado is spotted or conditions are favorable for one to occur, allowing residents to seek shelter and take necessary precautions.

Who is at risk of getting hurt in a tornado?

Most areas in the world get tornadoes, so most people in the world have at least some risk of being injured by a tornado. Obviously, the risk is greater in areas prone to strong tornadoes, such as the central and southern United States. The type of housing and shelter is also a factor. People who live in trailer homes or other homes of weak construction, as well as those without access to underground shelter are at an increased risk of being injured or killed in a tornado.

Why don't people have bunkers in tornado prone areas?

Many people do have storm shelters or simple basements to take cover from tornadoes. However, many others don't. One of the main reasons is that it is actually quite expensive to build underground shelter, and beyond the means of some people. Additionally, the chances of any given person being hit by a strong tornado are relatively low, even in a tornado prone area.

Disasters which delhi is prone to?

Delhi is prone to Earthquake. Prone areas - The areas which are near to Yamuna bank are very much prone to the earthquake. East delhi is the most earthquake prone area. Some areas are- Shahdara, Mayur Vihar - I, II, III, Laxmi Nagar and nearby areas, Gurgaon, rewari, noida

Why are there more deaths from a tornado when it occurs where a tornado rarely happens?

There are two explanations for that and they are both likely factors. First, in areas where tornadoes are rare there is less tornado preparedness, and some people might not know to take shelter, especially if there are no sirens. Some people might not even take warnings seriously, believing that a tornado couldn't actually happen in their area. By contrast, in many parts of Tornado Alley tornado drills are almost as routine as fire drills. Secondly some of the less tornado prone areas, such as the northeastern United States, are more densely populated than the largely rural Tornado Alley, giving tornadoes a greater opportunity to cause fatalities.