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Jacques Cartier

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Jacques Cartier is the French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence River in the early 16th century and claimed the region, known as Canada, for France.

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Q: What French explorer explored the St Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France?
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What explorer explored the St Lawrence River valley for France and founded Quebec?

Jacques Cartier was a French navigator who explored and claimed for France. He was the first European explorer to discover the St. Lawrence River.

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French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River in the 16th century. He is credited with discovering and mapping the river in his search for a northwest passage to Asia.

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What french explorers first explored Canada and the US?

Jacques Cartier was the first explorer to see and claim Canada for France. He was first among the Europeans to describe and map out the Saint Lawrence area.

Who first explored st Lawrence?

French explorer Jacques Cartier was the first European to explore the St. Lawrence River in 1534, while looking for a route to Asia. He was the first to sail up the river and reach present-day Quebec City, claiming the land for France.

Who first explored the st. Lawrence river?

Explorer Jacques Cartier is credited with being the first European to explore the St. Lawrence River in the early 16th century. His expeditions helped establish French claims to Canada.

What country claimed the Mississippi and the st Lawrence river valleys?

The French claimed it. Explorer Jacques Cartier discovered, named and claimed the St. Lawrence River for France.

Who was the French explorer claimed the area of present day Canada for France?

Jacques Cartier is the French explorer who claimed the area of present-day Canada for France in the 16th century, specifically the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the region surrounding it.

What body of water was named for a famous french explorer?

The St. Lawrence River was named after French explorer Jacques Cartier. Cartier explored the river in the 16th century while seeking a route to Asia.

Who was the first french explorer?

Jacques Cartier was the first french explorer when he explored and mapped the St.Lawrence River.