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Yes, the continents were once part of a supercontinent called Pangaea, which existed about 335 million years ago. Over time, Pangaea broke apart and the pieces drifted to their current positions, forming the continents we see today.

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Q: Were the continents once one continent?
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What evidence is there that the present-day Continent were once a single landmass?

One piece of evidence that indicates the continents were once connected is the shape of the continents. Many of the continents look as if they fit together like a puzzle.

What is the name of the theory that suggests that the continents were once part of one super continent?

The theory is called "continental drift," and it proposes that the Earth's continents were once connected as one supercontinent called Pangaea.

Pangaea was an ancient continent made up of?

Pangaea was made up of the current major continents on Earth, where they were once combined in one continent.

What Alfred wegners hypothesis?

He discovered Pangaea; once all the continents were together, as one big continent.

Which theory suggests that the continents were once part of one super-continent?

It is known as the continental drift theory

How many continent of the continent of south America?

South America is one continent, and it does not have continents in it or on it because South America in itself is one big continent. There are countries in the continent of South America, but not continents.

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Asia is one continent, so there are no continents in it.

How many continents are there in Ireland?

There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.There are no continents in Ireland. Ireland is in a continent and that continent is Europe.

Was the earth one big piece?

It has always been one piece. If you are refering to the continents being one piece, then yes they were. The super continent was known as Pangaea which was a combination of each continent. Through continental drift, the continents were split into what they are now. In the future, the continents will change once again as continental drift continues as we speak.

How many continents do Africa have?

There are NO continents in South Africa. South Africa is one of the nations on the African continent.