The distance between Statesville, NC, and Burlington, NC, is approximately 65 miles when driving via I-40 E and I-85 S.
The distance between Asheville, NC and Statesville, NC is approximately 97 miles, depending on the specific route taken. Driving time is typically around 1 hour and 45 minutes.
The distance from Kinston, NC to Clayton, NC is approximately 78 miles by car.
The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Wilmington, NC is approximately 200 miles, which would take around 3.5 to 4 hours to drive.
Oh, dude, the driving distance from Charlotte, NC to Kitty Hawk, NC is approximately 300 miles. It's like a mini road trip, you know? So, buckle up, grab some snacks, and enjoy the scenic drive... or just take a nap, whatever floats your boat.
The shortest driving distance is 268 miles.
The driving distance is about 280-285 miles.
The distance between Statesville, NC, and Burlington, NC, is approximately 65 miles when driving via I-40 E and I-85 S.
The distance between Asheville, NC and Statesville, NC is approximately 97 miles, depending on the specific route taken. Driving time is typically around 1 hour and 45 minutes.
The driving distance from Statesville, North Carolina to Charlotte, North Carolina is 41 miles. If you take I-77, it's around 35 minutes or less by car.
The address of the Preservation Statesville Inc is: Po Box 293, Statesville, NC 28687-0293
About one hour forty minutes if you take thr route which takes you through Statesville and Clemmons.
103 miles
40 miles
103 miles
123 miles taking this route:Take I-85 SOUTH from Durham to I-40 WEST.Continue on I-40 WEST to Statesville.
Fort Jackson, SC is about 20 miles closer to Statesville than Fort Bragg/Pope AFB, NC.