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2mo ago

The sizes, shapes, and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by the movement of tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them, causing them to constantly shift and interact, leading to the creation of mountains, earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the reshaping of the Earth's surface.

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Q: The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by what?
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What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans changed by?


The sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


Are the continents and oceans always been in the same positions they are today?

No, the positions of continents and oceans on Earth's surface have changed over millions of years due to the process of plate tectonics. Continents have drifted apart and collided to form new landmasses, changing the configuration of oceans. This movement is ongoing, with the positions continuing to shift gradually over time.

How has the earths surface changed since the beginning of earths time?

The Earth's surface has changed significantly over time due to processes such as plate tectonics, erosion, and volcanic activity. Continents have shifted positions, mountains have formed and eroded, and oceans have expanded and contracted. These changes have been ongoing for billions of years and continue to shape the Earth's surface today.

How can the earths surface be organized into continents and oceans explain into two sentences?

the earth can be organized into 4 oceans, 7 seas, and 7 continents

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precambrian era

What is the accurate shape of a globe allows mapmakers to show earths continents and oceans?

size of island ,continents, and body of water.

What are the sizes shapes and positions of Earth's continents and oceans are changed by?


Does the earths crust extend deeper below the continents or below the ocean basins?

Earths crust extend deeper below the continents than below the oceans basins (or at least this is what I think).

Have the continents and the oceans always been in the positions they are in today?

No, the continents and the oceans have not always been in the positions they are in today. The Earth's tectonic plates slowly move over time through a process called plate tectonics. This movement has resulted in the continents shifting positions and the reshaping of the oceans over millions of years.

How does the area of Earths surface covered by the oceans compare with the area of the continents?

One third is surface and the rest is the sea.

What does the oceans plus the number of continents equal?

7 continents and 5 oceans = 12