The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Wilmington, NC is approximately 200 miles, which would take around 3.5 to 4 hours to drive.
The distance between Paterson, NJ and Charlotte, NC is approximately 650 miles by car, depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Arlington, TX is approximately 1,000 miles. This equates to roughly 15-16 hours of driving time.
It is approximately 321 miles from the Virginia state line on Interstate 95 to Charlotte, NC.
Charlotte, NC is about 175 miles away from the nearest coast, which would be the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.
326 miles
Map Quest indicates that the driving distance is 198 miles via I-40. The estimated travel time is 3 hours 34 minutes.
The distance between Memphis TN and Charlotte NC is about 620 road miles.
2302 miles between Charlotte, NC and San Diego, California
The distance between Charlotte, NC and Hickory (Catawba County), NC is 45.0 miles(72.0 km).
80 miles
It is 58.6 miles according to Google Maps.
If you are asking about Charlotte, NC, then the distance is 729 miles.
117 miles
The distance between Charlotte NC and Nashville is about 408 road miles.
miles between charlotte nc and baton rouge la
It is 57.6 miles according to Google Maps.