In the link below, you will find a list of all the sovereign countries in the world.
As of 2021, there are 195 countries in the world. The 50 countries can vary depending on the context in which the question is being asked - for instance, if you are referring to the contiguous United States, the list would differ from a list of the 50 most populous countries in the world.
There are 195 countries in the world. Each country has a capital, such as Canada (Ottawa), Brazil (Brasilia), and Japan (Tokyo). It is best to reference an up-to-date list for accurate information.
The five smallest countries by size in the world are Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru, Tuvalu, and San Marino. These countries are all less than 25 square kilometers in area.
Some examples of third world countries include Afghanistan, Haiti, Sudan, and Yemen. These countries are typically characterized by high poverty levels, underdevelopment, and limited access to resources and services.
Africa has the most countries on the list of the top 10 countries with the most number of countries.
See the link below for a full list of all the countries in the world, including sovereign and partially recognized states.
For a list of the major deserts in then world and the countries in which they occur, click on this link.
zimbabwemalawienglandusacanadabrasilspainchileaustrauliakoreajapanchinadr congocamerronnigeriaeygptswedenfinlandrussiaagerntinaalgerianewzealandindiasingaporemangoliaportugalgermanyparaguayuruguaysebiaangolazambiamozambiquekenyasouth africa
The list is far to long.
The poorest countries in the world list includes some countries from Africa. The continent has its own top 10 list of poor countries too and the second on the list is Liberia.
Ireland comes in at 120th largest in the world out of 234 countries.
well one of the most is russia
There are over 2 dozen major desert areas in the world. Click on this link for a list of the major desert areas and the countries in which they occur.
For a list of the major desert regions of the world click on this link.
You can find a list of countries based on size on the World Atlas website. They have a section dedicated to countries ranked by land area from largest to smallest.