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Harmony Will

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2y ago
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2mo ago

True. Submarine communication cables are the primary infrastructure for international data transmission, connecting continents via undersea fiber optic cables to enable global communication networks.

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Q: Is this statement true or false Submarine communication cables connect the continents to provide communication through the use of fiber optic technology.?
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Continue Learning about Geography

There are six continents on the earth.?

There are seven continents on earth; North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.

What does rly mean?

"rly" is an abbreviation for "really." It is commonly used in informal communication, such as texting or online messaging, to emphasize the intensity or sincerity of a statement.

What statement best describes a characteristic of mdcs?

MDCs, or More Developed Countries, tend to have high levels of industrialization and advanced technology. They also usually have higher standards of living, better infrastructure, and a more established social welfare system compared to less developed countries.

What statement best supports the theory that all the continents were once a single landmass?

The presence of similar fossils and rock formations on different continents, along with the matching shapes of the continents' coastlines like a jigsaw puzzle, supports the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener in the early 20th century. This theory suggests that all the continents were once part of a supercontinent called Pangaea, which gradually broke apart and drifted to their current positions.

Continent of today were part of the gondwana landjustify the statement in not less than 100words?

Gondwana was a supercontinent that existed around 500 million years ago and included landmasses that would later split and form the continents we know today. Evidence for the Gondwana supercontinent includes geological similarities, rock formations, and fossil evidence found across separate continents. For instance, the fit of the continents along their coastlines, matching mountain ranges, and similar plant and animal species provide strong support for the theory. Additionally, the presence of unique flora and fauna on different continents that were once part of Gondwana further confirms this ancient landmass's existence.

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Is this statement true or false Submarine communication cables connect the continents to provide communication through the use of fiber optic technology?

true A+

What statement accurately describes a significant effect of globalization?

Improvements in technology made international communication easier.

What statement explains why a German submarine sunk the Lusitania?

Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.

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That statement is literal, not figurative.

What argument is Frisch making This is the thesis statement.?

Frisch's thesis statement is that technology has the potential to erode human relationships and create a sense of isolation. He argues that as individuals rely more on technology for communication and entertainment, face-to-face interactions and genuine connections with others may diminish, leading to a decline in interpersonal relationships.

What is a false statement about science and technology?

"Science and technology are based upon sound religious principles" is a false statement.

Which would be the best thesis statement for a an analytical essay Apex?

"The impact of technology on social interactions has both positive and negative consequences, influencing communication patterns, relationships, and overall societal behavior."

What is a true statement about the cost of technology?

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When was technology policy statement formulated?

In 1983.

A valid statement about technology in the 20th century is that technology has?

accelerated the pace of cultural diffusion