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no that is Horticulture

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2mo ago

No, the mode of production that is based on growing food on shifting plots of land is called shifting cultivation or slash-and-burn agriculture. Agriculture typically refers to a more permanent form of farming that involves cultivating crops on a fixed piece of land.

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Q: Is it true that the mode of production that is based on growing food on shifting plots of land is called agriculture?
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The mode of production that is based on growing food on shifting plots of land is called?

The mode of production that is based on growing food on shifting plots of land is called shifting cultivation or slash-and-burn agriculture. It involves clearing land, planting crops for a few years until the soil fertility declines, then moving to a new area and repeating the process.

What is an example of agriculture?

Agriculture is the cultivation of plants, or animals. It is also called farming. Growing crops such as corn or wheat would be an example of agriculture.

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Who study agriculture is called agreerian

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A piece of land used for growing crops is called a field or a farm.

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People who study agriculture are called agronomists or agricultural scientists. They can specialize in various aspects of agriculture, such as crop production, soil management, or animal husbandry.

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Farming, ranching, agri-business.

What are the outputs of shifting cultivation?

The Different names of shifting cultivation are- A)Jhum cultivation B) slash & burn C) Swidden agriculture

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The study of farming is called agriculture. It covers various aspects of farming practices, crop production, livestock management, soil science, and sustainable agriculture methods.

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