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Considered sacred in Hinduism, with many pilgrims seeking to bathe in its waters for spiritual purification. The river also supports a variety of ecosystems and biodiversity along its banks, contributing to the overall environmental health of the region.

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Q: In addition to providing water for Indian agriculture the Ganges River remains important to India because it is?
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Why is horticulture important?

Horticulture is important because it involves the cultivation of plants for food, medicine, aesthetics, and environmental benefits. It plays a crucial role in providing us with a sustainable source of food, improving the environment, and contributing to human well-being. Additionally, horticulture promotes biodiversity, conservation of plant species, and supports the economy through agriculture and landscaping industries.

Why is irrigation important in the Southwest?

Irrigation is important in the Southwest because it helps support agriculture in a region that has limited rainfall. It allows farmers to grow crops and sustain livestock by providing a controlled water supply to compensate for the arid climate. Without irrigation, agriculture in the Southwest would be severely limited.

Why was the use of agriculture important?

Agriculture was important because it allowed for a more reliable and abundant food supply, leading to the growth of settled societies and civilizations. It also enabled the development of complex social structures, division of labor, and technological advancements. Additionally, agriculture allowed for the surplus of food production, which freed up individuals to pursue other activities beyond subsistence farming.

Why is agriculture an important occupation throughout the world?

Agriculture is important because it provides food, fiber, and other materials essential for human survival. It also contributes to economic development, employment, and the livelihood of millions of people worldwide. Additionally, agriculture plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and addressing global challenges such as climate change and resource sustainability.

Why is agriculture is important of country?

Agriculture is important for a country because it provides food security, employment opportunities, and contributes to the economy through exports. It also plays a vital role in rural development and helps sustain communities.

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Halophytes might be important in agriculture because they can be grown in areas where the salty soil is usually unsuitable for raising crops.

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because of how the basic economy and agriculture works.

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Why are crocodiles important to Australian agriculture?

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Why is providing aid to underprivileged people important?

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Why is agriculture is consider very important for humans?

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Why is agriculture important in Puerto Rico?

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