The driving distance from Salem, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington is approximately 200 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between Vancouver and Calgary is approximately 605 miles when driving by car.
The driving distance from Salem, Oregon to Detroit, Oregon is approximately 60 miles, and the estimated driving time is around 1 hour and 15 minutes.
You can travel approximately 250-300 miles south of Seattle in 4 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. This could take you to cities like Portland in Oregon or Vancouver in British Columbia.
The travel distance from Kent, Washington to Vancouver, Canada is approximately 140 miles (225 kilometers) by road. This distance may vary depending on the specific route taken and mode of transportation.
The distance between Harrison Hot Springs, BC and Vancouver, BC is approximately 120 km (75 miles) by road. This typically takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
About 8 miles on I-20
The distance between Vancouver BC and Provo UT is about 1,018 road miles.
The driving distance is about 229 road miles.
The distance between Salem OR and Yucaipa CA is about 988 road miles using I-5 South.
665 miles by road.
730 miles
Vancouver, BC Canada to Anchorage, Alaska is 3,727 km or 2,316 miles.
From Birmingham Al to Vancouver, BC is approximately 2,810 road miles.
It is 46.9 miles according to Google Maps.
975 miles / 1569km by road.
2433 miles
672 miles.