The driving distance between Marion, NC and Hopkinsville, KY is approximately 360 miles via I-40 W and I-24 W.
Marion, NY to Rochester, NY is approximately 26 miles by car.
The distance between Marion, Mississippi and 610 County Line Road would depend on the specific starting point in Marion and the exact location on County Line Road. To find the driving miles, you can use a mapping tool like Google Maps and enter the specific addresses for an accurate calculation.
312 miles taking this route:Take IL-13 EAST from Carbondale to I-57 NORTH to MT. VERNON, near Marion.Take I-57 NORTH to I-74 WEST to PEORIA at EXIT 237B, near Champaign.Take I-74 WEST to I-474 WEST at EXIT 99.Bypass PEORIA via I-474; take I-474 WEST to U.S. 24 WEST to BARTONVILLE at EXIT 6A.Take U.S. 24 WEST to IL-9 WEST.Continue WEST on IL-9 to CANTON.
The distance by road from Decatur, IL to Marion, IL is approximately 166 miles. This route typically takes about 2.5 to 3 hours of driving time, depending on traffic and road conditions.
it is appx 6-6.5 hrs to carbondale from chicago...get to I 57, and take it south to the Marion / Carbondale exit, hwy 13, go west appx 10 miles, and you are there...Go Salukis....
It is 237.71 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance between Carbondale Illinois and Nashville Tennessee is 202 miles via I-24 per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 3 hours and 7 minutes.
373.96 miles.
1908 miles
727 miles.
288 miles taking this route:Take I-57 SOUTH from Peotone to IL-13 WEST to CARBONDALE off EXIT 54B.Take IL-13 WEST to Carbondale.
The driving distance between Marion, NC and Hopkinsville, KY is approximately 360 miles via I-40 W and I-24 W.
It is 332 miles according to Google Maps.
Carbondale, IL Carbondale, PA Carbondale, CO
It is 51.4 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 627 miles according to Google Maps.