As of the 2020 Census, approximately 173,566 people live in Muskegon County, Michigan.
As of the last available data, there are approximately 1.2 million people living in Oakland County, Michigan.
how many people live in the Lyons township precinct
As of 2021, the estimated population of Preston is around 115,000 people.
Approximately 133,145 people live in Warren, Michigan as of 2021. It is the largest city in Macomb County and the third largest city in Michigan.
Around 3,849,378 people live in LA
Answer: just over 72,000 people live in Napa County, Florida
there are 1000 people total in aroostook
wayne county
3 coons and bigfoot.
238,519 (2013)
The population in Montgomery County was 38,124 as of the 2010 U.S. Census.
hahaha! Irish people! Mayo is a rural county in Ireland and many people who live there own farms or live in the counrty side.
a shotgun, 3 crypts, and a pothead