The distance from Lansing, MI to Port Canaveral, FL is approximately 1,100 miles when traveling by car.
Michigan is approximately 456 miles long from its northernmost point to its southernmost point.
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan covers approximately 16,377 square miles.
The distance between Detroit, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio is approximately 60 miles.
The driving distance between Lansing, MI and Fort Myers, FL is approximately 1,350 miles, and the estimated driving time is around 20-21 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
Banff to Lansing is 1945 miles
818 miles
It is 702 miles according to Google Maps.
140 miles = 225.3 km
It is 1,008 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance from Miami to Lansing is: 1193 road miles or 1037 air miles.Source: Time and
It is 1,002.45 miles according to MapQuest.
There are nine cities known as Lansing: Lansing, Illinois Lansing, Iowa (x2) Lansing, Kansas Lansing, New York (x2) Lansing, North Carolina Lansing, Minnesota Lansing, Michigan
It is 218 miles according to Google Maps.
There are many different hotels that are located in Lansing, Michigan. Hotels like Raddison Hotels, Best Western Hotels, and Quality Inn all have locations in Lansing, Michigan.
Lansing, Michigan to Ypsilanti, Michigan is 1 h 10 min (76.1 mi) via I-96 E and US-23 S
It is 534.29 miles according to MapQuest.